Making Buttermilk Biscuits

Added by for Make Make some fabulous food

Geoff is the cook in our family…and he loves to make things from scratch. Last week we were in Nashville for our nephew’s wedding and had the opportunity to go to the Loveless Cafe–renown for their buttermilk biscuits–and they were delicious! So this morning, Geoff tried his hand at homemade buttermilk biscuits. And of course, I had my camera out, snapping shots of all the steps along the way. And then, in the spirit of making, I decided to make a movie. This is my first “real” movie, made all by myself from start to finish. So the baking is by Geoff, photography and movie making by me!

PS The biscuits were excellent! (And Geoff made homemade lattes to go with them, double yum!!!)