Candle to Ignorance

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A warm and fuzzy meme for the sciences featuring my then seven year old daughter experimenting in a lab at the UT Health Science Center in Dallas.

Living in a Hobbit House

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Carol Hartmann #clmooc meme: I live in an earth-bermed house. When we moved our family into the house, the roof was heavily thatched, the garden largely overgrown, and the yard full of critters.
Here are my memes inspired by my search to learn more about my earth-bermed house. My creativity was inspired by my significant interest in reading both The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Trilogy as a teen, a college student, and as an adult. I also love the movie adaptations.

#teachread Takes on YA Literature

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A while ago, a group in my grad class on teaching reading in secondary school decided to summarize their opinions about Young Adult Literature (and to demonstrate their abilities to read and write in contemporary, digital ways) by using a series of memes.