Created by Rachelle Galang with Karen Fasimpaur • 2974 views • 4 examples • 0 tutorials
3D printing is a way to fabricate three dimensional parts by laying down successive layers of material under computer control. 3D printing has become a popular maker activity. What can you do with it in your learning environment?
Created by Joie Marinaro • 3305 views • 0 examples • 0 tutorials
This lesson/how-to for teachers is designed to teach sentence clauses to middle schoolers: It requires a little bit of pre-teaching regarding subjects and predicates, and runons and fragments, but there’s a prezi linked to the How-to. This lesson uses Little Bits to make circuits, which light up, in order to symbolize the properties of independent and dependent clauses. The lesson expressly illustrates the mobility of dependent clauses in a sentence.
Created by Mary Ellen Banfield • 1907 views • 0 examples • 0 tutorials
Some previous knowledge of working with glass (cutting, shaping, etc.) and with fusing glass is needed to make something like this project. This bowl was made by first fusing together three layers of fusible glass into a flat sheet–including cutting the design elements and placement between layers–heating it in a kiln of approximately 1500º F, and cooled. Once the flat sheet of glass had cooled, it was placed over a form–in this case a sizable rock from my garden–which had been treated with kiln wash (which keeps the molten glass from sticking to the rock and other materials). The glass… Read more »
Created by Michelle Stein • 2066 views • 0 examples • 0 tutorials
Create a story using light. Develop a storyboard for line illustrations of a story. Transfer the images to black paper using a pin or other sharp pointed object. Place a sheet of styrofoam beneath the paper to protect your working surface. Using a backlight set up, photograph each image, noting the order of the story. Import the images into movie editing software. Create a movie using your images, share and enjoy!
Created by Larry Hewett • 2034 views • 0 examples • 0 tutorials
There has been a beautiful tutorial on pop-up books in the Books and Zine section. Check it out. It’s awesome. My tutorial is what I refer to as a No Tech Storytelling Tool that any teacher can use. It’s extremely simple to make and in my 22 years of being an art teacher I used it hundreds and hundreds of times without fail and all the kids loved it. I think you will too.
Created by The Maker Jawn Team (as represented by K-Fai Steele, Goda Trakumaite, Sari Widman, and Shanise Redmon) @makerjawn • 2904 views • 1 examples • 4 tutorials
Welcome to the fifth Make Cycle in the 2014 Making Learning Connected Collaboration! This week (or anytime, really), using some sort of light source, and any materials of your choosing, we want you to tell a story. Some tools we have used in the past for this project include LEDs (we source them through Amazon), coin cell batteries, and various arts and crafts supplies. We like to use recycled, found materials as much as possible, and occasionally our prototyping lab looks like a thrift store exploded. We like to use recycled materials not only because they’re cheap, but because there’s… Read more »
Created by Larry Hewett • 4652 views • 2 examples • 1 tutorials
This tutorial shows how to create a book sculpture using an old discarded book and a simple line drawing with positive and negative shapes. Use of Xacto knife is a major part of this project. It is time consuming and tedious but the end product is worth the time and effort, at least for one!!!!!
Created by Joe Dillon and Terry Elliot • 2555 views • 5 examples • 0 tutorials
CLMOOC 2014 Make Cycle #3 is all about games. And the games we are considering are ones taken from the widest continuum imaginable: childhood games, board games, made up games, online games, World Cup games and the greatest meta-game of all—telling stories about games. Games and gaming have burst into the learner zeitgeist over the last several years marked by the coining of the term “gamification” in education circles. Game sales are bigger than movie box office revenue worldwide. Game apps can create overnight millionaires. But games are also intimate and unconcerned with big bucks. Often they are about narrative…. Read more »
Created by Kira Baker-Doyle • 1772 views • 0 examples • 0 tutorials
This make describes the creation of a 3-tier cake from gathering ingredients at a farm to decorating with fondant. It highlights how to do the project with kids.
Created by Mary Ellen B • 4029 views • 0 examples • 0 tutorials
items needed: 2 fishing poles (for the span I needed) rolls of tulle ribbon (in your choice of colors) 2 seashells, starfish and/ or sand dollars for each strip of ribbon low temp hot glue & glue gun waxed paper patience instructions: BEFORE CUTTING RIBBON OR GLUING: On rod brackets, place poles in desired position to reach the correct span and tie together (I used twist ties in several places along the length of the poles). Measure desired length of valance from top of curtain rod. On a hard, flat work surface, lay poles down so you can decide the… Read more »