The Status Game – Begging for a Remix

Added by for Make Games – Make ‘Em, Play ‘Em, Hack ‘Em, (and most of all) Tell ‘Em!

Iā€™m sure it goes by many different names, but I learned this theatre improv game as The Status Game. Thanks to the structure provided by a deck of cards and a clear objective, this it a fairly easy improv game for students to play. The open-ended nature of the game ā€“ that it can take place at any time, at any place, for any length of time ā€“ makes it ripe for hacking and remixing, I think!

FAIL meme

Added by for Make Make a Meme

I imported the image into Keynote, and researched to find that the popular meme font is Impact. I couldn’t figure out how to get the black outline on the font in Keynote, but I found others who were trying to do it too on this Apple forum discussion: and came up with a reasonable replica of the popular font. I exported the image to a .jpg and resized it to 403×403 and voila! A meme customized to my needs!

Animal Contexts

Added by for Make Make a Meme

A graphic that shows how different animals have different connotations or represent different symbols depending on context, inspired by Shyam’s blogpost and mine (I will enter mine to the bank as well)