Cardboard Challenge

Added by for Make Apollo Challenges

This incredible experience from the Imagination Foundation invites kids to build things from cardboard. Less "design under constraints," this is more of an open-ended invitation to be creative and make whatever you want.

Marshmallow Challenge

Added by for Make Apollo Challenges

The Marshmallow Challenge, from Tom Wujec, is a “remarkably fun and instructive design exercise that encourages teams to experience simple but profound lessons in collaboration, innovation and creativity.”

I’ve done this activity with both kids and adults and had fantastically rich (and fun) experiences with design thinking around it.

Remediating Flamenco in Double Time

Added by for Make Re(media)te – 2015 Make Cycle #2

Picking up on Chad Sansing’s prompt to choose the last 10 of something. I decided to use the last 10 pictures I took on a recent trip to Spain. On my last night in Sevilla I saw a Flamenco show. During the show we were asked to be very quiet. Yet, throughout the show an older Spanish speaking woman would call out, making the performers laugh and interact with her. The only time we were permitted to take picture was the last 5 minutes. As we began to do this they invited the woman onto the stage and engaged her in dance. It was a great way to end my trip.

I used two different apps to collage the images and then re-color the collage. Taking the original images along with both collage images, I doubled up on remediation by creating an Animoto video with Flamenco music.