This shows how to make a mini-book from an 8-1/2″ x 11″ sheet of paper.
Examples Shared By admin
Make a mini-book
This video shows a different way to make a book from an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper, as well as several ideas for making books.
Dear Data
Not exactly a tutorial, but an incredible book and web site about two women who collected their personal data, hand drew representations of that data, and sent it to each other in the form of postcards.
CLMOOC data postcards
This is a curated collection of our monthly postcard themes. Lots of inspiration here!
Another Photo-to-Sketch App
Pixlr is a mobile app that I use for most of my photo remixes. They also have a desktop app, but the mobile app is actually better. This make is straightforward:
1. Take photo with phone camera
2. Open in Pixlr
3. In "adjustments" (far left icon on bottom panel), push contrast all the way to the right and saturation all the way to the left. At each step click the check mark to apply the filter.
4. In "effect" (third icon on bottom panel), select "hagrid" and apply
5. Go to "stylize" and select "sketch"
6. Save 🙂
Share, print, color, enjoy
Twitter as source of inspiration for your drawings
Tweets on Twitter can be a great source for inspiration to make a new drawing.
In this tutorial I show how I use tweets by Miranda Keeling as in inspiration to make drawings to her tweets.
Use DreamScope for inspiration
Quick demonstration of how the app DreamScope can help you get inspired to make a new version of an existing image.
Doodling tutorial
There are no mistakes in doodling. This will prove it.
Make a coloring page from a photo
These images were made from photos using and the Sketch Me app.
Create a Color Page
A tutorial on using Sumo Paint ( to make a coloring page from your own photo.
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