Graphical Introduction

Graphical Introduction

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Difficulty: 2  (1 = easy, 5 = hard)

This Make was created by Chad Sansing



Add Examples or Tutorials

Use a tool like Vizify to create a “graphical bio” for yourself (as a means of introducing yourself to the community) or for a character (as a means of transformative visualization and analysis). Think about focused bios, as well. Perhaps you can use this make to chart your summer touring with the band or traveling to see the world.

Other tools or ways you might do this are shown in the examples below.


Do this Make

Once you complete this make, share it! If your example exists elsewhere at a public URL add your example directly (pending moderator approval).

Tutorials for this Make

Have you created something to help others complete this make? Share it and help someone else. If your tutorial exists elsewhere at a public URL add your tutorial directly (pending moderator approval).

4 Examples Completed for this Make

  1. The Connected Me
       submitted by Kevin Hodgson

    Another example of a graphical into on Flickr done for another project

  2. The Connected Me
       submitted by Kevin Hodgson

    Another example of a graphical into on Flickr done for another project

  3. The Connected Me
       submitted by Kevin Hodgson

    Another example of a graphical into on Flickr done for another project

  4. Connected Introduction
       submitted by Karen Fasimpaur

    Make an image of yourself (any kind you like) that shows some of the spaces where you are “connected.” Upload this to Flickr and include links. Here’s mine: (Click the image to see it with links to where I am online. I love Flickr!) Hope you all can connect with me during #clmooc! Lots of possibilities for hacking this “make” too. Post your variations as examples.

0 Tutorials Created for this Make

Creative Commons License
This work by Chad Sansing is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.