About the CLMOOC Make Bank
This Make Bank is a place to find makes that others in the Making Learning Connected community have submitted or to add your own. You can look at makes by categories, browse a tag cloud, add your own makes, or add examples or tutorials to a specific make. (What’s the difference between a make, an example, and a tutorial?) Let’s work together to grow the Make Bank as CLMOOC progresses!
For those new to the idea of “makes,” they are a big part of #clmooc. Over the course of the MOOC, there will be multiple Make Cycles during which time we’ll all be prompted to create and build, digitally as well as materially, individually as well as in community.
A “make,” as we use the term, is any project or work where you are creating something. In this MOOC, we draw heavily from ideas from Connected Learning, which emphasizes creation and empowerment. In this MOOC, possible “makes” could include something you write (a story, poem, play, etc.) or draw (painting, comic, etc.) , a web page or app you create, something you bake, or a social network or connection you form. We’ll be connecting “makes” to the Connected Learning principles, and while we’ll suggest some “makes” you might do, we really hope that participants will come up with their own ideas for makes that are meaningful to them. Our suggestions for “makes” are merely that – suggestions.
The CLMOOC make bank is being built in collaboration with @cogdog, Educator Innovator, National Writing Project, K12 Handhelds, and the CLMOOC community.