Map Your Network and Where You Engage

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This graphic was created with a free CMap tool, and shows some of the people and places where conversations that relate to the goals of my organization, Tutor/Mentor Institute, LLC, are taking place. The intend is to provide an on-line space that anyone can go to find where these conversations are taking place, so they can join in, or so they can connect with the different people hosting the conversations. Many of the nodes point to people I’ve connected with in #clmooc. One points to discussions started this year, on engaging students and understanding clmooc participation. Others could create similar maps, showing who they are connecting with, or showing people connecting with each other around an issue important to them.

Grid art for Map Making

Created by as a Make

Use the Grid Art method to help your students study the geography of whatever area of the world you are studying. Great for students who need help following directions, with dexterity skills, and visual learners. I used this to help my students study the 7 continents and oceans, but it can be adapted for pretty much anything. You can make the grids ahead of time, or challenge your students to make the choose their own images and make the grids themselves (a great math exercise as well) .

Making Concept Maps to Influence Strategy

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I’ve been using free CMap tools ( for nearly 10 years to communicate strategies for helping kids in high poverty areas get extra help to move through school and into jobs and careers. CMaps are one of a growing number of free concept mapping platforms, so don’t be limited by this. A CMap has layers of information. So while the first layer might have a simple diagram.The maps each node points to may get more and more complex as people dig deeper. This spring, to help people see the variety of maps I’ve created, I launched a web page, showing most of my maps in thumbnail images, with links to the actual maps. I think this type of mapping of problems and solutions could be taught in schools throughout the world, as a form of deeper learning, and community service. The maps could become an archive that future students build on from year to year. It’s something they could return to as adults. Try it. Share the maps you create in blogs, as I do.

Mapping in the Middle

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Exploring ways Maps can be used in the classroom. Includes various types of mapping- Google Maps, sociogram, character maps, mapping your life, etc.

Create participant map for CLMOOC

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the registration for the Jan-Mar 2013 ETMOOC a map was created showing where participants are located. A similar map could be made showing CLMOOC participants during upcoming activities. The ETMOOC map was made by uploading an excel spreadsheet into However, a Google map could also be created if someone knows how to do that. I think that during upcoming discussions many uses of maps will be shared.

Adapted from:
I learned about this when I registered for However, I’ve been engaged with mapping for nearly 20 years.

Make a map

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Make With Me

One way to explore the learning principles of Connected Learning this week is to make a map. Though the possibilities are endless, here are a few to consider:

Map important learning or your #clmooc experience so far

If learning is a journey, where has it taken you? Where did you begin? Where are you now? When have you charted undiscovered country? When have you bumped into a border? How does making helping your learning journey move forward or into new ground?

(Prezi is just one tool you might consider playing with in mapping your learning.)

Create a literal map and use it to tell a story

What is the connection between place and story? When is a map integral to a memory, or vital to a memoir? How does the physical place you inhabit impacts your making and learning?

(Google is just one tool you might consider using to create a map to tell a story.)

Map important connections

What are some of the important connections you have made in your Personal Learning Network, in #clmooc, or even in your local writing project? What do the connections you make look like and how do they support your learning and your making?

(Cacoo is just one tool you might consider to create a concept map or diagram.)

OR… Go on a learning walk

What can you learn from the places around you? Mary Ann Riley’s blog post, Being in the Middle: Learning Walks, shares her vision for an experimental approach to rhizomatic learning with students that involves walking, seeing, recording and learning.

What might you create on a walk in the places around you?

Make a Map

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Look for a mapWashington Metro)
Copy with Snagit or printscreen and save.


Edit the map with Gimp or some other image editor: copy a part, delete it an past a new part in the same place, with name of metro station or part of line.


You could write down names of stations that would show on your map.

Chad/Sara’s Tube Map

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Chad Sansing took Sara Green’s idea for revamping the famed London Tube Map for a map of learning, and created a remixable Webmaker Thimble webpage. Thanks to Chad, anyone can now make their own Tube Map, which is a handy way to think about learning communities and networks and nodes, and the way ideas can connect with each other, through a very visual lens.


Geolocate your space – 2015 Make Cycle #6

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In this make that was a part of CLMOOC 2015, we invite you to get out of the house.

That’s right. Power down that laptop, grab your sneakers or walking shoes, and head on out into the Great Outdoors and continue to explore the public spaces that surround you. You may need to bring a camera or mobile device with you, so we acknowledge that you might not be completely technologically untethered.

This make is designed to encourage you to head outside to your local park, or greenway, or bike path, or museum, or library, or street corner, or wherever the public you are part of comes together, #FindYourPark and document that public space. The focus for this cycle is on the cultural, historical and/or environmental spaces of our communities.

One way to do this is by contributing to this Google Community Map project . This is a way for all of us to work together to create something special: a larger look at our world.

Beyond the map project, feel free to use this additional list of ideas to push into various directions.

Here are some additional resources that might be useful:

United States National Park Service

Flickr Collections with Creative Commons Licensing (re-mix! re-mediate! mash-up!)

Photo Editing

Making Paper Circuits

Created by as a Make

Paper circuits are a way to add light to drawings or other paper creations. These circuits are created by attaching a battery to LED lights with a variety of conductive materials, such as conductive tape or paint. More advanced projects can involve switches, parallel circuits, pressure sensors, and more.

Creating paper circuits can teach not only the basics of electronic circuitry, but also about design, iteration, troubleshooting, collaboration,creative expression, and more.

Here are some additional sources of information on this topic:

More tutorials and examples are below.